Microcontroller Board Support Package

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MBSP - the micro controller board support package

MBSP is a hardware abstraction layer (HAL). Your MBSP is specific to your requirements. It supports only the one micro controller that you use. and it only implements the interfaces you use.

Using MBSP allows you to focus on the functionality you need to implement and the interfaces you use just work. IF you need to switch to a different chip, or need additional interfaces then a new MBSP will be all you need. Everything will just work again on the new chip.

The MBSP is provided as a zipped project. It comes with all the sources necessary. The provided main() function shows example uses for the interfaces you selected. Everything is ready to be compiled. You can use this main function for board bring up / hardware integration testing.

Then replace the main function with your code and start implementing your features. All the interfaces are ready to use.

Get your MBSP

start.txt · Last modified: 03.03.2025 17:10 by lars